
Computer data backup is the process of making copies of important digital information in order to protect it from loss or damage. In today's world, where most of our work and personal lives are stored on computers and other digital devices, backing up data has become a crucial part of protecting our digital assets.

There are many reasons why computer data backup is important. Firstly, it provides a safety net in the event of a hardware failure, such as a hard drive crash or a computer theft. If your computer's hard drive fails, you can use your backup to restore your data, allowing you to get back to work quickly.

Secondly, computer data backup protects against cyberattacks, such as viruses and ransomware. If your computer is infected with malware, it can encrypt or delete your data, making it impossible to access. With a backup, you can restore your data and get back to work without having to pay a ransom or suffer a permanent loss.

Thirdly, computer data backup provides peace of mind. When you have a backup, you know that your data is safe, even if the worst should happen. You can sleep soundly knowing that your important files, photos, and other digital assets are protected.

In conclusion, computer data backup is an essential part of protecting your digital assets. By making regular backups, you can ensure that your data is safe and secure, no matter what the future may hold. Whether you're an individual or a business, investing in a good backup solution is one of the best investments you can make for your digital well-being.

Office 365 Rooms (as calendars)

One of the interesting things with Microsoft Office 365, and it’s predecessor Microsoft Exchange is that shared calendars has never been a strong point. There are multiple ways of creating, management and looking after them, but a simple shared calendar either has to be done from a shared mailbox, a user account or a public Folder. Each have their pro’s and con’s but none are super easy and simple for users to get access to without multiple steps (clicks) and fiddly public folder, adding to favourites.

This still seems to be an issue with Microsoft Office 365, although we have found one way to make this super easy for all users involved, including administrator.

By using a new Office 365 feature called Rooms & Equipment, we can quickly and easily setup a new ‘room’, call it whatever you want the shared calendar to be, such as “Leave” or “Car”, assign permissions as to who can view/edit it, and then display it on required computers.

Simply get your Office 365 admin to add the room, then the user can simply and easily do the following to add it to their list of calendars


Internet Safety

Internet security is now of greater importance than ever. With the recent increase in encryption viruses, it is critical your staff only open emails that are safe. The #1 cause of these viruses are opening attachments, both from known and unknown contacts, which are carrying a virus. It is often in our experience getting harder to tell what is a legitimate attachment from a fake, but signs such as the file-name being resume.pdf.exe are always viruses. In most cases a few extra seconds of checking the attachment can save up to thousands of dollars in expenses and lost productivity.

No protection will stop 100% of viruses, as new malicious code is created everyday, but with training of your users these attacks can be prevented.

At Fusion Networks, we filter all emails before they are delivered to our customers mail servers, which then scans the incoming content again, but at the end of the day, training users to be wary of all incoming content is the safest bet to make.